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Adventures of Telemachus

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Adventures of Telemachus

Disponibilidad: En existencia

Translated by Dr. Hawkesworth with a life of Fenelon by Lamartine an essay on his genius and character by Villemain critical and bibliographical notices etc etc edited by O. W. Wight A. M.

13.5 x 19.5 cm


Translated by Dr. Hawkesworth with a life of Fenelon by Lamartine an essay on his genius and character by Villemain critical and bibliographical notices etc etc edited by O. W. Wight A. M. 13.5 x 19.5 cm

Información Adicional

Autor Fenelon F.
Año de edición 1872
Editorial Hurd and Houghton
Encuadernación Lomo de piel
Lugar de edición N.Y.
Páginas 559